
HMG gets radio-active with Ectoplasm Green

29 September 2014
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With hundreds of colours created around the world on a daily basis finding a memorable and relevant name for a paint colour can be a chore and results in some unique and bizarre names. HMG Paints Ltd of Manchester has more than 150,000 colours in its archive so when it came to naming a new green developed by their Advanced Colour Styling team they enlisted the help of local radio station XFM Manchester and its listeners.
The radio station presenters Tim Cocker and Jim Salveson were enthusiastic to get involved naming the new colour and getting their listeners involved. Listeners were full of fantastic suggestions submitted via Facebook, Twitter and SMS. Some of the leading suggestions had a musical theme including, Red Hot Chilli Peppers’ Lukewarm Jalapeño and Radio(active). Eventually Ectoplasm was chosen as the winning name inspired by the 1984 blockbuster Ghostbusters.
XFM Ectoplasm will now be added to the colour database and will be featured in the new Signature Finish range.

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