
Perstorp and Purac in JV to develop caprolactone lactide co-polymers

09 April 2013
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Perstorp and Purac, a leading player in natural food preservation and bio-based chemicals, have announced a partnership for developing caprolactone lactide co-polymers for the plastic, coatings and adhesive markets. Combining the complementary strengths of Perstorp in speciality products for coatings and plastics with Purac in renewable lactic acid based chemicals has already resulted in partly renewable caprolactone lactide co-products.

Possible uses for this new caprolactone lactide co-polymer are, amongst others, as polyols for CASE (coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers) and for biodegradable plastics and hot-melt adhesives. Its unique composition makes it possible to control both the melting point and mechanical properties in particular thermoplastics, further reducing the crystallinity of polyols.

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