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Revealabel reveals more space for product information

04 March 2015

Innovative digital printer Springfield Solutions has created a brand new label aimed at companies needing to display more product information on their packaging. Revealabel is an ingenious new piggyback style design that gives companies t...


Safic-Alcan changes its corporate logo

03 March 2015

Safic-Alcan, the international distributor of speciality chemicals, is proud to announce the launch of its new corporate logo reflecting the company’s important presence in Europe and that of its subsidiaries and partners abroad. This c...


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‘Global demand for emulsion polymers to exceed 13Mt in 2016’ report reveals

15 October 2012

Global demand for emulsion polymers is forecast to rise over 5%/yr to 13.3Mt (dry basis) in 2016. Advances will be fuelled by increased production of water-based paints, coatings and adhesives, which ...


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test new 5

29 May 2024

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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024