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CC rules against AkzoNobel merger

24 October 2012

The Competition Commission (CC) has provisionally found that the proposed acquisition by Akzo Nobel NV (AkzoNobel) of Metlac Holding Srl (Metlac Holding) would result in a substantial lessening of competition (SLC) in the supply of metal ...


Lonza applauds USA joining international treaty to control harmful anti-foul...

24 October 2012

Lonza Microbial Control, which has long been an active supporter of an international treaty to assure the use of environmentally sound marine coatings products, applauds the USA’s formal approval of the International Convention on the C...


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‘Global demand for emulsion polymers to exceed 13Mt in 2016’ report reveals

15 October 2012

Global demand for emulsion polymers is forecast to rise over 5%/yr to 13.3Mt (dry basis) in 2016. Advances will be fuelled by increased production of water-based paints, coatings and adhesives, which ...


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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024