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Jotun reveals it’s to expand its pipeline coatings portfolio for the Middl...

16 August 2012

As part of its continuing efforts to address the growing needs and demands of the Middle East region’s oil and gas segment and general pipeline industries, Jotun Powder Coatings, has revealed a strategic move to expand its current pipel...


Improved formulation stability and colour consistency for solvent-based pain...

16 August 2012

With Dow Corning 3 Additive, manufacturers of solvent-based paints, coatings and inks can now create formulations containing titanium dioxide (TiO2) and coloured pigments, including whites, greys and pastels, that stay homogeneously mixed...


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‘Global demand for emulsion polymers to exceed 13Mt in 2016’ report reveals

15 October 2012

Global demand for emulsion polymers is forecast to rise over 5%/yr to 13.3Mt (dry basis) in 2016. Advances will be fuelled by increased production of water-based paints, coatings and adhesives, which ...


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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024

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29 May 2024