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HB Fuller agreement with Plexbond

13 April 2012

HB Fuller Company has signed an MoU to enter into cross distribution agreements for flexible packaging products in several countries with Plexbond Quimica S/A in Brazil. HB Fuller and Plexbond will partner to leverage each company’s ski...


Hellenic industry will still deliver

13 April 2012

A recent announcement by the Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries seeks to allay fears and inform the industry of the association’s view of the current situation. For the last two years Greece has been in the spotlight of the eco...


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‘Global demand for emulsion polymers to exceed 13Mt in 2016’ report reveals

15 October 2012

Global demand for emulsion polymers is forecast to rise over 5%/yr to 13.3Mt (dry basis) in 2016. Advances will be fuelled by increased production of water-based paints, coatings and adhesives, which ...


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test new 5

29 May 2024

test new 4

29 May 2024

test new 3

29 May 2024

test new 2

29 May 2024