
Datacolor 45G handheld spectrophotometer

19 April 2012
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Datacolor, has introduced the Datacolor 45G, a high accuracy handheld spectrophotometer with integrated gloss measurement. Datacolor 45G excels in colour appearance evaluation of painted surfaces, plastic parts, package prints, automotive parts, commercial furniture and other manufactured goods. Measurements made with the 45G capture the effect of base colour, gloss and texture on overall visual appearance.

Paint and coating applications can benefit from the 45G’s ability to detect changes in appearance from both gloss and base colour. Appearance changes in plastics injection moulded parts due to mould wear can be measured with the 45G before the changes lead to off-quality production.

"With 45G, product manufacturers can precisely measure and control both colour and gloss in a single convenient package,” said Bob Karpowicz, product manager Instruments, at Datacolor. "The unique optical design and dynamic calibration algorithm used by 45G results in consistent measurement over time and across multiple 45G units. Manufacturers can benefit tremendously from using the 45G for batch-to-batch quality control. Reliable measurements with 45G can enable a data-driven quality process through the supply chain.”

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