Fenchem’s coating department has reported a 50% increase in Q1 revenue yr-on-yr, mainly driven by its cellulose products business. Nitrocellulose and Cellulose Ethers achieved the strongest growth.
"Encouragingly, customer demand gained appreciable momentum in the coating business during the first quarter. We saw a good start into fiscal 2012,” said Jian Sun, manager of the coating department.
Devoted to improving its global performance, the company continues to focus on developing South East Asia and Africa markets. Its Malaysia office was established in 2011 and its South Africa office is expected to be set up in the near future. Furthermore, Fenchem is taking steps into the emerging markets of Russia and Mexico etc.
Fenchem has traditionally supplied Cellulose products including Nitrocellulose, Cellulose Ethers (HPMC, HEC, MHEC, etc) and C9-C5 resins, under the brand names Varnifm, Cellueast and Resinow, respectively.
Recently developed products include Redispersible Polymer Powders, TGIC and UV photoinitiators..
Fenchem, headquartered in Nanjing, China, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of cellulose products and has offices in Chinao, USA, Czech Republic and Malaysia.