To help customers show objective evidence that they are in compliance with test specifications during ISO 17025 quality audits, Atlas offers the Atlas LS-200 Full Spectrum Monitoring device. The LS-200 has been specifically designed for use in Ci Series Weather-Ometers to precisely measure the spectral power distribution (SPD) output of the xenon lamp. Validation tests have shown that this device has excellent correlation to the spectroradiometers used in the Atlas Calibration Laboratory.
"With the advent of performance-based standards, which identify the spectral power distribution and not specific filter combinations, users have had no way to verify that they are actually meeting the test method they are running," says Matthew McGreer, Product Manager for Atlas Material Testing Technology." The LS-200 allows users to now do that simply and more affordably than has ever been possible before."
The LS-200 device easily mounts on the specimen rack, and the output is measured over a short amount of time (10-20min is sufficient). The data then can be downloaded and exported into a special Microsoft® Excel Macro and analysed to quickly and easily determine compliance with the performance-based standard the user is running.
There is no need to retrofit the device for older Ci Series instruments. The LS-200 works with any generation of Weather-Ometer®. For labs that may not have the resources to purchase the device, Atlas’ Technical Service group offers instrument measurement in addition to normal preventive maintenance and calibration services.
Atlas plans to adapt the LS-200 device for use in any Atlas xenon weathering instrument, including its Xenotest® and SUNTEST® lines.