
Oxea announces price rises

02 June 2015
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Oxea has announced the following price increases: Neopentyl Glycol (NPG) will rise €100/t in Europe and Middle East and Africa and US$110/t in Asia. Propionaldehyde will rise €100/t in Europe, US$110/t in the Middle East and US$110/t in Africa. n-Butylamine, Di-n-butylamine, Tri-n-butylamine, 2-Ethylhexylamine and Di-2-ethylhexylamine will rise €80/t in Europe, US$90 in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. n-Butryic acid and Iso-Butyric acid will rise by €100/t in Europe and US$110 in Asia and the Middle East, while 2-Ethylhexanoic acid will rise €130 in Europe and US$140 in Asia and the Middle East. Finally in Europe: i/n Butyl Acetate will rise by €40/t; i/n Butanol by €50/t and 2-Ethylhexanol by €60/t.

All these price rises are effective immediately or as contracts allow. The price increase is driven by continued cost increases for raw materials in Europe.

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