In response to increased demand UV Light Technology Limited of Birmingham has added more dates during 2012 for its specialist training course ‘Risk management of UV light exposure in the workplace’.
"The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010 brought into law in Great Britain on 27th April 2010 the European Physical Agents (Artificial Optical Radiation 2006/25/EC) Directive. This imposed legal duties on employers to protect workers who may be at risk from artificial UV light exposure. However, almost 18 months on and we are finding many companies are either not aware of these relatively new regulations or simply don’t understand” … says Paul Jackson, Managing Director.
The Regulations define the following:
Statutory UV light exposure limit values (ELVs)
Minimum health and safety requirements for protection of workers from risks arising or likely to arise from artificial UV light exposure.
Employers must determine personal UV light exposure levels and compare with the ELVs as a means of assessing risk and necessary controls.
Workers should not be exposed above the ELVs and must be provided with specific information and training.
The one-day training course is designed to help employers meet their legal obligations for the safe use of UV light. It provides details on how to determine personal UV light exposure levels and assess compliance with the exposure limit values. Delegates are given a step by step practical insight to risk assessment and control of personal UV light exposure from artificial sources in the workplace.
Ensuring compliance with the UV light exposure limits by appropriate control measures and providing appropriate information and training will not only mean that employers meet their legal obligations, but will also build confidence and acceptance of safe working practices by the workforce. This is an important point because many workers exposed to artificial UV light sources are increasingly concerned about risks to their health and safety. This is often a result of media coverage concerning the potential detrimental effects of UV light from natural sunlight and sunbeds, which has lead to widespread misinformation and misunderstanding regarding UV light exposure in the workplace.
The dates are:
November 10, 2011
February 2,2012
April 3, 2012
June 21, 2012
September 20, 2010
November 29, 2012